XPS MultiQuant 7.0
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XPS MultiQuant 7.0

XPS MultiQuant is a quantitative program for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
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7.0.0092 See all
M. Mohai
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XPS MultiQuant is a quantitative evaluation program for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, serving as a practical and universal tool for the surface analyst. It applies the ‘classic’ methods of the quantitative calculations using the integrated intensity of the measured XPS lines.

-Built-in library with all necessary basic data for the quantification, including theoretical and experimental cross sections, asymmetry parameters, line energy data, etc.
-All of the usual factors and correction methods, including cross section values, asymmetry parameters, analyser transmission, IMFP, contamination by the adventitious carbon can be applied and controlled independently.
-Numerous quantification models
(Homogeneous, Oxide-Layer, Layers-on-Plane, Layers-on-Sphere, Layers-on-Cylinder, -Layers-on-Nanotube, Islands-on-Plane, Islands-on-Sphere, Islands-on-Cylinder, -Layers-on-Polyhedron, Islands-on-Polyhedron). Definition of models is thoroughly checked before calculation
-Parameters of structured models can be calculated automatically by least square fitting or manually by interactive iteration.
-Calculation of several samples or experimental data sets (e.g., series of ion bombardment or heat treatments, etc.) can be performed simultaneously.
-Compositional results can be presented in various forms (Atomic %, Atomic ratio, -Oxide molar %, Oxide molar ratio, Mass %, Mass ratio, Oxide mass % or Oxide mass ratio).
-Experiments can be labelled (Name, Time, Temperature, etc.); further notes can also be attached to the data sets.
-Results and model layout can be displayed graphically; can also be stored, printed and exported to other applications.



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